My name is Angeline Diaz Roque. . Female, 10 month old. Born March 19, 2009. Philippines. My father Eddie Roque is a blogger and my Mom Virginia Diaz trying hard to be a blogger too, but sad too say that my father is in trouble now because of hardwork doing different kinds of blog articles just to earn money for us. He cannot raise his hand comportably because of too much work infront of the computer. Somebody says it is Arthritis, Tendolytis, Muscle spasm, but its almost 8 months now he still in this this condition. He is 55 year old now. My Mom started to do blog same as my father to earn money, but she knows it is hard to earn with this but she tried by the help of my father.
I made this just to seek your help. Can you help me? for my future?
Please donate few pennies, dime, for my education in the future.
Here is my account number Sir, Madam.
Gate Bank
Account # 0484-006-01-000140-5
Please donate to Angeline "ANGEL" Lentijas Roque
If the information on this site helps you and you'd like to make a donation to Angel, please use one of the options below. The amount you donate is entirely up to you, pennies or dimes, etc.
My husband and I feel it is not easy for us to earn money doing blogs, it is very difficult for us to save money for her future, because of my husband condition. Problem got infront of the computer, he cannot move his hands comportably, almost 9 months until now with no improvement, many kinds of medicine we cannot afford to buy. Doctors says it's a Muscle Spasm, Arthritis, Tendolytis, we never know.
If you can, please help us, any amount is really appreciated deep in our hearts.
To send a donation via check, money order, or cash, please use the following mailing address:
Angeline Roque
Pleasant Village, San Pablo,
Malolos City, Bulacan.
Philippines 3000
Please make checks payable to "Angeline D. Roque."
Thank you for your support and encouragement!
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